Tra i dolci tipici di ROMA , c'è una torta di pasta frolla meglio nota come "CROSTATA DI RICOTTA E VISCIOLE" o più semplicemente "Crostata alla romana" . E' abbastanza sorprendente gustare la miscela che viene dall'unione della ricotta romana , cremosa e saporita , il gusto piuttosto aspro delle visciole (in altre regioni chiamate amarene o marasche) e la pasta frolla!Mi piace gustarla con un filo di pasta ed un ripieno abbastanza spesso, "corposo". La troverete in tutte la trattorie romane , ovviamente anche in diverse varianti.
La storia di questa torta è piuttosto particolare perchè risale all'editto di papa Giulio II (1513)che vietò agli ebrei in roma di commercializzare latticini e formaggi . Questi avrebbero escogitato un ottimo gustoso stratagemma : chiudere fra due dischi di pasta frolla la ricotta , nascondendo di fatto alle guardie il ripieno "fuori legge" .Non per niente sembra che la migliore Crostata di ricotta e visciole sia tuttora prodotta dal Forno boccione , nell'ex ghetto di Roma !
La ricetta è ovviamente sempre molto segreta ma giusto per farsi un'idea ecco alcune dritte:
Among the typical Roman sweet and tarts , there is a special one made of shortcrust pastry with a ricotta cheese and sour black cherries filling. It is called the TART OF ROME. It's quite surprising the taste coming from the combination of a creamy tasty ricotta cheese ,the sour of black cherries and the shrotcrust pastry. This cake is rich and light at the same time . you'll find it in all Roman restaurants and trattorias even with different variations.
The story of this tart dates back to an edict issued by Pope Julius II (1513) who forbade Jews of Rome to trade dairy products and by-products , cheese in particular.To ride out this difficulty, Jews start hiding the ricotta cheese between two tasty disks of shortcrust pastry . in this way they could trade the filling ....out of law!
The recipe is of course secret, but at least to have an idea of how to bake the Tart of Rome , here are some instructions:
Parmi les douceurs de Rome, il y a un gateau de pate sucrée connue comme TARTE à la ricotta et griottes " ou simplement "Tarte romaine".Le mélange entre la ricotta -crèmeuse et savoureuse-les griottes plutot aigres et la pate sucrèe est parfait , léger et riche en meme temps.
Vous trouverez cette tarte dans tous les restuarnts et les trattorias de Rome , naturellement avec des variations sur la recette originale!
L'histoire de cette tarte est assez particulière: L'édit papal du Pape Julius II en 1513 interdisait aux Juifs de Rome de faire du commerce des produits laitiers et de fromages . Pour sumonter cet édit , les Juifs utilisaient un stratagème gourmand: enfermer la ricotta entre deux disques de pate sucrée ! de cette façon , ils peuvaient commercialiser la farce "interdite".
La recette est évidemment secrète mais je vous donnerai quelques indications pour faire cette tarte si bonne et si facile:
Ingredienti (per la pasta)
1 uovo intero
2 tuorli
300g di farina
150g di burro
125g zucchero
1 scorza di limone grattuguata
Ingredienti (per il ripieno)
400g di ricotta di pecora (preferibilmente)
100g di zucchero
1 uovo
200g di visciole o amarene (o marasche)
(se proprio non potete evitarlo, 300g di marmellata di amarene!)
1.Impastare velocemente , uno ad uno, tutti gli ingredienti per la pasta frolla (farina+ burro+
uova+ +zucchero + scorza limone) e fatene una bella palla che avvolgerete in pellicola e terrete per almeno 30 minuti in frigo.
2. In una ciotola , unite la ricotta , lo zucchero, l'uovo e le visciole . mescolate ed amalgamate bene gli ingredienti fino ad un impasto cremoso.
3.Stendete la pasta frolla e fatene un disco per coprire il fondo di una tortiera(ca.26 cm diametro) e lasciandone un pugno per decorare .
4.Stendete il ripieno sopra il disco di pasta uniformemente .
5.Con il pugno di pasta rimasto fate delle strisce che posizionerete obliguamente da una parte ed incrociandole dall'altra .
6.Mettete in forno a 180°C per circa 40 minuti .
7.Sfornate e se vi piace spruzzate un pò di zucchero a velo sopra.
Ingredients (for the pasta)
1 whole egg
2 egg yolks
300g flour
150g of butter
125g sugar
1 lemon zest grattuguata
Ingredients (for the filling)
400g ricotta (preferably)
100g sugar
1 egg
200g sour cherries or sour cherries (or cherries)
(if you can not avoid it, 300g of cherry jam!)
1.For the pastry, one by one, all the ingredients for the pastry (flour + butter +
+ eggs + sugar + lemon zest) and make a nice ball Wrap it in foil and you will keep in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
2 In a bowl, add the ricotta cheese, sugar, egg and sour cherries. stir and mix the ingredients well until a creamy mixture.
3.Roll two-thirds of the dough to make it a disk and cover the bottom of a pie dish(ca.26 cm diameter(10 inches).
4.Spread the filling over the disk of dough evenly.
5.With the third of the dough left, make strips that you place criss-cross pattern on the tart.Secure well the edges of the tart .
6.Bake the tart at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes till the dough turns golden.
7.Take out of the oven and sprinkle some powdered sugar on it.
Ingrédients (pour les pâtes)
1 oeuf entier
2 jaunes d'oeufs
farine 300g
150g de beurre
125g de sucre
1 zeste de citron grattuguata
Ingrédients (pour la farce)
400g de ricotta (de préférence de lait de brébis)
100 g de sucre
1 oeuf
200g de griottes
(si vous ne pouvez pas l'éviter, 300g de confiture de cerises!)
1.Pour la pâte,ajouter à la farine tous les autres ingrédients la pâte ( beurre +
+ Œufs + sucre + zeste de citron) et de faire une boule que vous allez envelopper
dans un film étirable et à garder dans le réfrigérateur pendant au moins 30 minutes.
2 Dans un bol, ajouter la ricotta, le sucre, l'œuf et griottes. remuer et mélanger les ingrédients jusqu'à obtenir un mélange crémeux.
3.Roll deux tiers de la pâte pour en faire un disque et couvrent la bottomof une terrine (ca.26 cm de diamètre (10 pouces).
4.Spread la garniture sur le disque de pâte uniformément.
5.Avec le troisième de la gauche de la pâte, faire des bandes que vous placez configuration croisée sur la tart.Secure bien les bords de la tarte.
6.Bake la tarte à 180 ° C pendant environ 40 minutes jusqu'à ce que la pâte se transforme en or.
7.Take la sortie du four et saupoudrer un peu de poudre sugaron il.
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Definizioni di Ingredients (for the pasta) 1 whole egg 2 egg yolks 300g flour 150g of butter 125g sugar 1 lemon zest grattuguata Ingredients (for the filling) 400g ricotta (preferably) 100g sugar 1 egg 200g sour cherries or sour cherries (or cherries) (if you can not avoid it, 300g of cherry jam!) 1.For the pastry, one by one, all the ingredients for the pastry (flour + butter + + eggs + sugar + lemon zest) and make a nice ball Wrap it in foil andyou will keep in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 2 In a bowl, add the ricotta cheese, sugar, egg and sour cherries. stir and mix the ingredients well until a creamy mixture. 3.Roll two-thirds of the dough to make it a disk and cover the bottomof a pie dish(ca.26 cm diameter(10 inches). 4.Spread the filling over the disk of dough evenly. 5.With the third of the dough left, make strips that you place criss-cross pattern on the tart.Secure well the edges of the tart . 6.Bake the tart at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes till the dough turns golden. 7.Take out of the oven and sprinkle some powdered sugaron it.
Sinonimi di Ingredients (for the pasta) 1 whole egg 2 egg yolks 300g flour 150g of butter 125g sugar 1 lemon zest grattuguata Ingredients (for the filling) 400g ricotta (preferably) 100g sugar 1 egg 200g sour cherries or sour cherries (or cherries) (if you can not avoid it, 300g of cherry jam!) 1.For the pastry, one by one, all the ingredients for the pastry (flour + butter + + eggs + sugar + lemon zest) and make a nice ball Wrap it in foil andyou will keep in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 2 In a bowl, add the ricotta cheese, sugar, egg and sour cherries. stir and mix the ingredients well until a creamy mixture. 3.Roll two-thirds of the dough to make it a disk and cover the bottomof a pie dish(ca.26 cm diameter(10 inches). 4.Spread the filling over the disk of dough evenly. 5.With the third of the dough left, make strips that you place criss-cross pattern on the tart.Secure well the edges of the tart . 6.Bake the tart at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes till the dough turns golden. 7.Take out of the oven and sprinkle some powdered sugaron it.
Esempi per Ingredients (for the pasta) 1 whole egg 2 egg yolks 300g flour 150g of butter 125g sugar 1 lemon zest grattuguata Ingredients (for the filling) 400g ricotta (preferably) 100g sugar 1 egg 200g sour cherries or sour cherries (or cherries) (if you can not avoid it, 300g of cherry jam!) 1.For the pastry, one by one, all the ingredients for the pastry (flour + butter + + eggs + sugar + lemon zest) and make a nice ball Wrap it in foil andyou will keep in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 2 In a bowl, add the ricotta cheese, sugar, egg and sour cherries. stir and mix the ingredients well until a creamy mixture. 3.Roll two-thirds of the dough to make it a disk and cover the bottomof a pie dish(ca.26 cm diameter(10 inches). 4.Spread the filling over the disk of dough evenly. 5.With the third of the dough left, make strips that you place criss-cross pattern on the tart.Secure well the edges of the tart . 6.Bake the tart at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes till the dough turns golden. 7.Take out of the oven and sprinkle some powdered sugaron it.
Traduzioni di Ingredients (for the pasta) 1 whole egg 2 egg yolks 300g flour 150g of butter 125g sugar 1 lemon zest grattuguata Ingredients (for the filling) 400g ricotta (preferably) 100g sugar 1 egg 200g sour cherries or sour cherries (or cherries) (if you can not avoid it, 300g of cherry jam!) 1.For the pastry, one by one, all the ingredients for the pastry (flour + butter + + eggs + sugar + lemon zest) and make a nice ball Wrap it in foil andyou will keep in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 2 In a bowl, add the ricotta cheese, sugar, egg and sour cherries. stir and mix the ingredients well until a creamy mixture. 3.Roll two-thirds of the dough to make it a disk and cover the bottomof a pie dish(ca.26 cm diameter(10 inches). 4.Spread the filling over the disk of dough evenly. 5.With the third of the dough left, make strips that you place criss-cross pattern on the tart.Secure well the edges of the tart . 6.Bake the tart at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes till the dough turns golden. 7.Take out of the oven and sprinkle some powdered sugaron it.